Sunday, March 18, 2012

Kate's Miscellany moves to; Kate Asche opens spring workshop registration for The Craft of Shapely Writing (starts April 11)

Dear Writers and Readers,

No doubt you’ve noticed Kate’s Miscellany, the literary events blog for Sacramento Valley writers, has been very quiet lately. That’s because I’ve been in the process of moving the blog to its new home at Time for a virtual housewarming!

I invite you to come by for a peek. Also, please subscribe to the blog in its new location!

I remain committed to posting once each week (or so) about free, low-cost and exciting literary readings, events, workshops and other opportunities available to readers and writers in Sacramento, Davis and our region.

Subscription to the new blog is easy—scroll down just a little, and you’ll see the heading “Receive event postings in your email!” Enter your preferred email address in the field there, and you’ll be good to go.

If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to contact me at

I am also pleased to announce my spring workshop, The Craft of Shapely Writing, is open for registration. Class begins April 11; full details below.

Yours in the literary arts,

 Kate Asche


The Craft of Shapely Writing (All Genres)

Wednesday evenings, April 11 - May 30, 2012

8 Meetings

Join Kate Asche this spring in an Amherst Writers and Artists (AWA) generative writing workshop for all genres. Expand your craft toolbox by looking at structure in your stories and poems, and see how forms can inspire you. Generate new work weekly, and (if you like) receive gentle critique on one short piece of work you’ve already drafted. Talk casually with other writers as you become more deeply connected in our local writing community. Snacks and tea/coffee provided.

Making Shapely Fiction by Jerome Stern and The Teachers & Writers Handbook of Poetic Forms will be our textbooks for discussion in this 8-week workshop.

How Do I Reserve a Space? Email me at asche (dot) kate (at) gmail (dot) com. I will send you a brief registration form. To complete registration (and reserve your place), please return your completed registration form to me along with payment. Registrations are accepted in the order received.


Each meeting, we’ll enjoy brief discussion of that week’s reading selection, which we will have read in advance. Next, we'll spend time writing new drafts and sharing them (if we wish), as we respond to a prompt related to that week's discussion topic. Each meeting will close with another write, or with time spent in supportive workshop critique of one or more participant manuscript(s). This class will be facilitated in the AWA method, in which all shared writing is treated with respect and honor. The focus is on the writing itself, and the writer will learn what is strong, what is memorable, and what people admire in his/her first-draft work, as well as receive supportive feedback and strategies for continued work on the submitted manuscript. No one is required to submit a manuscript, and manuscripts will be distributed and read on the night of their discussion; manuscripts limited to one piece per person during the course (up to 5 pages of prose/2 pages for poem).

Class Size is Limited:  This private workshop is limited to 14 participants, plus the facilitator.

Time and Location: We will write together at the ThinkHouse Collective (1726 11th Street, Sacramento) on Wednesday evenings. Our social time begins at 5:45 p.m., with class beginning promptly at 6:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. We may go till 8:45 p.m. if the class fills completely. If you wish to participate but cannot arrive before 6:00 p.m., please discuss with Instructor. Permission for late arrival may be granted at Instructor’s discretion, but no discount or make-up instruction will be given for time missed.

Workshop Cost and Payment Due Date: Workshop cost: $255 (if postmarked by 3/31/12) or $280 if postmarked 4/1/12 or later. Payment is due at the time of registration.

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