Sunday, November 6, 2011

Valerie Fiorvanti (wonderful curator of Stories on Stage) offers Flash Fiction/Creative Nonfiction Workshop; Molly Fisk and Paco Marquez read poetry at Blue Line Gallery; 3rd annual Confluence of Poetry Tour; UC Davis Conversations with Writers presents (the very lovely) Jen Cross

Hello writers and friends of writing! Here are some highlights for the coming week. Stay dry!  -Kate


Valerie Fioravanti is offering a multi-genre workshop in Flash Fiction and Creative Nonfiction, beginning Monday, November 14th. The course runs for six weeks, and is limited to six students. If you write in only one genre, but are interested in experimenting with the other, this is the perfect course for you. The word count limit of 1,000 words can be less daunting than a longer story or essay, and you are free to experiment across genres—or not, if you decide it’s not for you. You’ll be able to submit up to five pieces, and at least one revision will be encouraged. We’ll discuss the qualities that makes short work sizzle in both genres,  what sets fiction and nonfiction apart, and whether or not such distinctions matter. Flash is a good form for developing writers because economy, purpose, and precision are good skills to bring to larger works in either genre. The text for the course will be the Field Guide to Writing Flash Fiction by Tara Masih (book) & craft essays from Brevity Magazine (online). We’ll also be reading sample flash fiction and creative nonfiction online and in print. To register, email valfiora at yahoo. Tuition is $225.
Flash Fiction & Creative Nonfiction Workshop
6 sessions, 6 students max
Beginning Monday, November 14th, 6:30-8:30 PM

Location: 17th & H

Visit here for more information.

Friends, here is a message from my fellow poet (and fellow Sacramento Poetry Center board member), the very wonderful Paco Marquez. Please consider attending this series--they do a lovely job at Outta the Blue!  -Kate
Paco says: "I will be delighted if you can join me at this poetry reading: Thursday November 11, 2011 at 7 PM at the beautiful Blue Line Gallery, in downtown Roseville, CA (405 Vernon St). This will be the last of the Outta the Blue Poetry Series event for 2011 held by the gallery. I will read from my writings for about 1/2 hour first. Then Molly Fisk will read after me, followed by some Q&A. You may park for free in the city parking garage right next door, although there should be plenty of street parking too. 




3rd Annual Confluence Poetry Tour 2011

Monday, Nov. 7, 2011 at 7:30 PM
1719 25th Street
Host: Bob Stanley

Katy Brown
has won many awards for her poetry from organizations such as the Ina Coolbrith Circle, Berkeley Poets Dinner, and California Chaparral Poets. Her poems have been published in numerous journals, and her workbook Poetry Potions was used in schools for many years. Katy, who lives in Davis, recently retired from a career in Social Work, and is already busy volunteering.

 Josh Fernandez is a free-lance journalist, poet and fiction writer who lives in Sacramento. His work has been published all over the US and online in publications such as, Sacramento News and Review, Hartford Advocate and San Antonio Current. His first book of poems, Spare Parts and Dismemberment, was published by R.L. Crow this year.

Patricia Killelea is a doctoral student in Native American Studies at UC Davis. She holds an MA in Creative Writing, also from UC Davis.
Originally from the Bay Area, Patricia’s debut collection of poetry, Other Suns, (2011) is available from Swan Scythe Press.

Anna Marie Sprowl is a Sacramento-based poet and spoken-word performer. She has performed at many local venues, including The Show, The Crocker Art Museum, The Guild Theater, and Jazz and Poetry 2010 with the Brubeck Institute Jazz Quintet.

Other public venues for Confluence:

Solano Community College 12 noon on Tues. Nov 8
Folsom Lake College 6pm on Wed. Nov 9
Rancho Cordova Library 6pm on Thu. Nov 10


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